
Hire Zapier Integration Specialists

Connect your apps and build workflows with just a few clicks by hiring skilled casual, part-time, or full-time Zapier integration speciaist.

Zapier connects your favorite apps like Gmail, Slack, Mailchimp and more to automate repetitive tasks without relying on developers. Get more efficient and let our Zapier marketers take over your tasks all at once.

Hire trained marketers that can help you leverage your marketing efforts by managing web apps and creating different workflows.

Zapier Automation Workflow

With over 2,000 apps that can be connected through Zapier there are just too many to list. Create single step to multi-pathway, multi-step automations using:

  • Slack – the nerve center for notifications
  • Facebook, Facebook Lead Ads, FB Messenger, Twitter and social channels
  • MailChimp, Active Campaign, Constant Contact, Marketo
  • RingCentral, Freshdesk, Zendesk, Gorgias, Help Scout
  • Google Sheets, Docs, Forms, Calendar
  • Asana,, Teamwork, Trello and other Project Management apps
  • Xero, Stripe, PayPal, Shopify

Some interesting integrations we have built…

Lead Management

Receive leads from your website in real-time, and push notifications to sales people through Slack for quick follow ups, while the lead is hot. Add lead details to Project Management apps, email marketing and CRM software so the lead can be nutured to conversion.

Repetitive Tasks Automation

Digitally transform your business by reducing the human load on repetitive tasks through automation.

  • Add and amend new data to existing documents (Google Docs)
  • Electronically sign documents on-the-fly
  • Create documents from forms, convert to PDF and email to customers
  • Move and organize files in Google Docs automatically using automation
  • Add and update customers in your CRM system
  • Send welcome and follow up messages
  • Notification reminder to sales team members for follow ups
  • Automatically create calendar events from filled forms and enquiries

Automation Workflow & Integration Roadmap

There are two paths to integrating automation in to your business workflow:

  1. Share your outline, your blue print of which apps to connect and the steps. A Zapier integrator can review and implement on your behalf
  2. Provide us with a basic overview of what you are trying to achieve. A senior Zapier architect can review, determine the best workflow, map out your automation and once agreed it will be implemented

    Social Media

    Monitor and keep track of your brand, or important keywords and hashtags, on social media through connected apps using Zapier.

    • Social media Listening: Keep track of your brand presence on social media and collect all the data you need. We have a dedicated teams ready to integrate, monitor and listen for potential opportunities, leads, brand ambassadors and negative feedback
    • Limited for time? Automatically cross post all content to make sure your audience sees key messages and social posts
    • Engage with your audiences by saving mentions to spreadsheets and sharing to your virtual assistant for personalized follow ups and lead nuturing

    Marketing Automation

    Maximize your day by automating repetitive marketing tasks and administration work.

    • Automate your messages to be sent to your chosen Slack channel (public, private or DM). Our Zapier specialists can help with the setting up triggers, actions and workflows.
    • Connect your apps and automate your workflow conveniently. Our Zap integrators can get things setup, remove task repetition, move data to where you need it, amend documents, send emails, sign forms and more

    Email Automation

    Automate all your email tasks and email marketing software all-at-once through Zapier.

    • Our team creates tasks and To-Do’s from your inbox and reroutes them to your chosen task manager through Zapier
    • Manage your leads, segment them to lists in your email marketing software
    • You don’t need to type out each message. Hire Zapier marketers to create email templates for you and automatically send them to your segmented contact list
    • Save email attachments directly to Google Drive, send an email as a fax, get notified about critical emails, turn emails into tasks and notes in your project management apps, automatically sort and archive emails in your inbox