
The Outsource HQ podcast. Hosted by one of US, Adam Bardill.

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Ep #19 Where to Advertise Online?

Outsource HQ Podcast - Episode 19

In today’s episode, we explore the essentials of online advertising. We’ll break down various strategies like ecommerce ads, social media marketing, PPC, influencer partnerships, and remarketing. Plus, we’ll highlight the importance of a strong online presence through SEO, content marketing, and engaging web design.

Ep #18 Understanding Customer Behavior and Your Business

Outsource HQ Podcast - Episode 18

From impulse buying to brand loyalty, we explore the intricate motivations behind consumer choices. By understanding the psychological and social factors that influence purchasing decisions, businesses can tailor their strategies to meet customer needs effectively.

Ep #17 Content Moderation and Why It Matters

Podcast Episode 18

In today’s episode, we’re diving into the world of content moderation and why it’s crucial for brands in the digital age. We’ll explore the ins and outs of content moderation, from understanding its role in shaping online interactions to its importance for maintaining a clean and safe digital environment.

Ep #16 When do you Outsource?

Outsource HQ Podcast - Episode 16

If you’ve ever wondered about the right timing to start delegating tasks, this one’s for you. We’ll discuss the tell-tale signs that suggest outsourcing might be the solution you’re looking for, from stretched-thin teams to the need for specialized expertise.

Ep #15 What Does a Full-Remote Team Look Like?

Outsource HQ Podcast - Episode 15

Delve into the dynamics of a full-remote team, exploring the transition from traditional office structures to virtual collaboration using platforms. Learn more about the challenges and benefits of remote work.

Ep #14 A Lighting Round of Marketing Tips

Outsource HQ Podcast - Episode 14

Actionable marketing and outsourcing tips to boost your online presence. From content marketing strategies to the power of user-generated content in social media advertising, we got you covered! Give our podcast a try.

Ep #13 Time-Saving Magic The Power of Business Automation

Outsource HQ Podcast - Episode 13

Listen as we uncover the immense potential of automation in saving valuable time and resources. Streamline tasks, such as data analysis, administrative responsibilities, and customer service optimisation. Find tips on how to be productive and efficient.

Ep #12 Customer Service in the Digital Age

Outsource HQ Podcast - Episode 12

Check this insightful episode on digital-age customer support. Discover the formats customers expect, the power of convenience, and how outsourcing can transform your business. Elevate your support game and tune in now!

Ep #11 How to Onboard Your Future Outsourced Partner

Outsource HQ Podcast - Episode 11

It takes time to fully integrate a team member within your workflow but an SOP will be of great help. Listen as we emphasize the significance of onboarding your future outsourced partner effectively with the help of an SOP or Standard Operating Procedures.

Ep #10 Getting Out There with Your Remote Agency

Outsource HQ Podcast - Episode 10

You’ve got an outsource team… great. Now, how do you make sure this relationship is seamless? The work doesn’t just stop at outsourcing. You have to make sure there is a clear communication between you and your team. Listen to these tips from US.

Ep #9 Outsourcing Globally and Locally

Outsource HQ Podcast - Episode 9

Whether it’s on or offshore, if you got an external team to help – that’s outsourcing. In this episode, we’ll help you compare outsourcing globally and locally – what are the pros and cons of each? Listen to find out.

Ep #8 Before Outsourcing: What to Prepare Before Offshoring Your Tasks

Outsource HQ Podcast - Episode 8

Outsourcing is a scalable and affordable option. However, without planning and research, it might not go very well. Let US help you. Here we have the things you have to prepare to ensure everything’s seamless.

Ep #7 Chatbots and Automation (can) Piss People Off

Outsource HQ Podcast - Episode 7

At times, you’ll get answers right away but on bad days you have to go through an outdated tree of linked processes before receiving a clear response – making chatbots frustrating. So, how do we make these bearable?

Ep #6 Being Social with Social Media: A Brief Advisory to Managing your Performance

Outsource HQ Podcast - Episode 6

Social media is used almost by everyone BUT a lot of businesses don’t really see its value. The thing is, it’s such a powerful tool to reach your customers at the right time and place. In turn, this could boost sales.

Ep #5 Through the Eyes of a Company Trainer

Outsource HQ Podcast - Episode 5

Trainings are so much more than just learnings. An effective one should also help attain business goals. So, how does one do this? Listen as we talk about the ins and outs of training with our very own company trainer!

Ep #4 A Day in the Life of an Outsourced Team Member

Outsource HQ Podcast - Episode 4

We’re starting off the new year by taking a closer look at the outsourced employees behind the screen. Join us as we go through the everyday grind and how these amazing individuals go through their work day. What’s it like for us behind the scenes?

Ep #3 Managing Your Long-Distance Relationship With Your Outsourced Team

Outsource Teams Long Distance Relationships

We’ll take a look at how you should maintain your relationship with an overseas teams and how we could relate it to a long-distance relationship. How do we keep our work relationship healthy, and how we can improve productivity for everyone? More info on this episode.

Ep #2 Outsourcing – The Difference Between Outsourcing vs Direct Hiring

Outsourcing vs Direct Hiring

What is the best method to gain manpower for your business? In this episode, we’ll be laying out the foundations of the types of processes of hiring direct and outsourced employees, and what differentiates them from one another. We’ll also take a look at big companies who have made it to where they are through balancing out their direct hires with their outsourced members

Ep #1 Is Outsourcing a Safe Bet?

Episode 1 - Is Outsourcing a Safe Bet

When you outsource, do you put your business at risk, or is there potential that your business can tap into? We’ll be tackling the perceived notions that many startups have that causes them to hesitate when it comes to outsourcing.

Ep #T Outsource HQ (TEASER)

Teaser Outsource HQ

Welcome to the Outsource HQ podcast. The podcast headquarters for end-to-end outsourcing services. We’ll be tackling topics such as outsourcing, client solutions, remote staffing, trends, news & hot topics, and all areas for digital outsourcing.