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Hello there! Adam here, calling you across the line from Outsource HQ, the podcast headquarters for end-to-end outsourcing services.

When you think about it, outsourcing is like a long-distance relationship.

You promise to withstand anything that comes your way when your partner is beside you. But what if they’re miles away, or worse countries apart, and what if your time zones don’t align?

Long-distance relationships, or LDRs for short, are not easy. There’s the anxiety. The disconnect. You check up on them every now and then, facetime or call them on the phone for updates, and by the end of the day – overthink.

But 60% of LDR lasts. And they have higher levels of satisfaction, commitment, and trust after challenging distance.

Wait – our podcast isn’t about love advice but this is about long-distance relationships: and outsourcing is one. And like LDRs, it has a high success rate. So let’s get into it.

First, Save the dates.

Create a sense of closeness with your outsourced partner. Using the platforms you like best, save the dates for hangouts or regular meetings. Manage your expectations by scheduling reasonable deadlines and setting up alignments and projected milestones. Your outsourced team is also more productive when there’s clear expectations.

When you do meetings, you’re building a relationship and setting boundaries simultaneously. Choose a time that is good for everyone. You don’t want your partner asking for facetime during a rush period at work. The same applies to your outsourcing partner – make sure both sides understand when you will catch up and when work is expected to be completed.

Second, Overcommunicate

Talk, talk, and talk. Keep track of their activities and progress for connectivity and engagement. Create a communication rhythm with virtual tools.

For video conferences, tools like Google Meet, Zoom, and Skype for meetings with non-verbal communication: elements like gestures, facial expressions, and tone make the conversations exciting.

Use communication management tools like Slack and Microsoft Teams for updates, clarifications, or quick questions needing immediate responses.

Track and manage projects using project management tools like Trello, Asana, and ClickUp. This is an easy way to see who’s assigned to which project and what tasks they are currently on.

Third, Get on the same page

Your relationship is bound to succeed when you and your outsourcing partner are on the same page on important things.

Make a checklist.

  • Do they have the skills you’re looking for?
  • Is their training sufficient for the tasks you’re outsourcing or do you think they should train per company standards?
  • What is your preferred working schedule?
  • Are they directly working with you or with an in-house leader?
  • Will they know a part or everything about your brand?
  • Do you have the same goals?
  • If you want to ingrain something from your company culture, Do some team building and see how they work virtually. Be detailed so your outsourced partner can easily understand you.

Fourth, Assure they’re taken care of

You can be distances apart but you’re virtually connected. Show your gratitude whenever your outsourced team did a great job. An appreciation email or positive reviews makes their day better.

Harmonize your on-site and outsourced team.

  • Treat them as if they are your in-house employees. Acknowledge their suggestions especially when they are specialists in their field.
  • Establish the company culture. Unify your outsourced team with your company by sharing your company’s vision and mission.
  • Your outsourced team is your business partner. Make your relationship stronger by acknowledging their purpose.

Lastly, Be motivational support

Whether it’s you or an in-house team leader, be present in the life of your outsourced team.

Rest assured they will cater to your every preference from communication tools to project management tools. Respect the knowledge they can bring to the table. Recognize their achievements and reward them for their efforts.

Long-distance relationships are manageable. Communicate and communicate. It all starts and ends with communication. The geographic distance is never an issue when you and your outsourced partner are respectful and open to one another.

Thanks for listening! In the next one, we’ll be looking through the eyes of the hardworking outsourced team members that we all know and love. See you then!