Facebook Ad Campaigns Now on MailChimp

Email is still one of the top methods for acquiring and nurturing leads. Throw Facebook advertising into the mix and you have a powerful duo. With Mailchimp, you can now create Facebook ad campaigns directly on the platform.

In close to 10 years this is the “Biggest strategic change to our product since going freemium in 2009”, according to MailChimp CEO, Ben Chestnut.

“After email, Facebook ads are the next most popular choice with our customers for acquiring customers and generating revenue,” Tom Klein, CMO, said in the MailChimp blog. “We created an ad buying experience that feels like MailChimp, so customers can create beautiful ads quickly and get back to building their business.”
Facebook and Mailchimp logos
True to their word, the Facebook ad setup on Mailchimp is indeed user-friendly. Beta testers said it was “really simple,” “ridiculously fast,” smooth, and straightforward.

Mailchimp has always been a favorite among customers (and USource clients) because of its ridiculously easy user interface. This ‘Mailchimp magic’ is now extended to Facebook ad campaign creation and management.

MailChimp has 15 million users, and 46% (as of last year) are e-commerce companies and small-medium businesses.

Why this is awesome, as pointed out by Mailchimp VP of Product Management John Foreman:

  • Your business’s customer data and product photos are already in Mailchimp. You can use this data and content to kick off an ad campaign.
  • If you have your store synced with Mailchimp, the ROI and sales from your ad would be easily measured.
  • “MailChimp doesn’t take a cut. Whatever you pay goes directly to Facebook.”

Benefits of MailChimp + Facebook ad campaigns

USource is vocal about the benefits of a multi-functional platform, and integration of APIs and marketing automation workflows. The fewer sites you and your digital team have to click, the better. Our clients either already use a multi-functional platform when they hire us, or we set them up with one.

Our specialists often recommend the power of Facebook and social media marketing and management in boosting clients’ email lists, because businesses always find themselves interacting with the right audience perfectly identical to their existing customers.

As a business, you can expect these benefits from MailChimp’s Facebook Ad campaign integration:
Dart target, message icons

  • You can now use MailChimp’s intelligent segmentation to target recent customers or active subscribers to quickly create lookalike audiences on Facebook.
  • No more guessing at who to target your ads to, or you lessen the time it takes for your Facebook ad specialist to create your demographics.
  • “We integrate with Facebook’s data science models to make customer acquisition smart and easy.” – MailChimp VP John Foreman
  • From your connected store, you’ll see these Facebook ad analytics right on your MailChimp dashboard:
    • Engagement and clicks
    • Sales
    • Customer acquisitions
    • Revenue tracking

“MailChimp’s revenue tracking means the user can put more money into the ads and audiences that work, helping their business grow faster.” – John Foreman
Person sitting down with laptop on her lap
This is true. One of the reasons why you need Facebook ad specialists is to make sure you’re not leaking money. MailChimp has done its customers a great turn by rolling this out on its way to becoming a holistic marketing platform.